Free Pair of Fox Main II Goggles with your Fox V1 Solid Gloss Helmet

We've knocked down the price of the Fox V1 Solid Black Gloss Helmet and we're making this offer extra tasty by throwing in a FREE matching pair of Fox Main II Stray Clear Lexan Goggles with every V1 Solid Helmet order while stocks last*

Stock is limited so get your order in quick!


What are you waiting for? Start stacking those discounts!



  • Discount is only valid on Friday, 29 November.
  • Newsletter subscriber early access is valid on Thursday 28 November only.
  • To claim early access discount, use the code EARLYFRIDAY at checkout.
  • Early access discount code is available to newsletter subscribers only and is non-transferrable.
  • Discounts will be applied automatically to the entire cart at checkout and can be viewed in your cart before beginning checkout.
  • Black Friday discounts cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions.
  • Discount is the same across all channels and locations.
  • Discount does not apply to shipping costs (if applicable).
  • Management reserves the right to remove or change discounts and offers without prior notice or to refuse provision of a discount/offer if necessary and within reason.
  • Gift vouchers are excluded from Black Friday discount.
  • Purchases may be made using gift vouchers.